Environment minister urges termination of gas extraction project off the German North Sea Island

According to sources in the daily Neuen Osnabrücker Zeitung, the German environment minister has requested that plans for gas extraction be shelved in the area surrounding the northwestern island of Borkum. Beginning around the end of the year 2024, the…

After sending thousands of clients socks during the heating crisis, a British energy supplier has apologized

In the middle of the country’s energy crisis, a prominent British energy company apologized to its clients after sending them socks asking them to dial down the heat. E.ON Next delivered socks with a tag attached to them to around…

Harbour Energy is granted a permit to store CO2 in the North Sea

The UK Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has granted Harbour Energy a carbon dioxide (CO2) appraisal and storage licence (CS licence), which was recently formed through a merger between Premier Oil and Chrysaor. The license will cover a region off…