Onyx Insight, a provider of predictive data analytics and engineering expertise to the worldwide wind industry, has released its AI HUB full-turbine predictive analytics platform to expedite and improve wind industry operations and maintenance (O&M) decision-making while removing data silos.
Behind the scenes, the wind sector is expanding its creative efforts to supply cheap renewable energy as world leaders continue their attempt to carve out a road to net zero at COP26. The digitization of processes, which creates higher efficiency, aids in the reduction of operations and maintenance costs, and assists wind asset owners in managing their expanding portfolios more efficiently, is critical to that advancement.
However, because they can only handle one data source at a time, last-Generation software platforms are increasingly unable to keep up with sophisticated, scalable methods to O&M, necessitating site engineers to employ dozens of independent software platforms in isolation.
When managing big, geographically diversified fleets, data is frequently maintained offline in spreadsheets, generating data silos and creating inefficiencies. The AI HUB from Onyx Insight centralizes essential data streams such as vibration, oil sensor, and pitch bearing monitoring, allowing operators to benefit from sophisticated analytics utilizing engineering-enhanced machine learning.
Operators are rapidly moving away from turbine-by-turbine analysis and toward fleet-level strategic control. To free up resources, Onyx Insight’s new platform integrates engineering and site teams while automating labor-intensive yet ineffective data standardisation and case management operations.
“Too frequently, wind O&M engineers waste important time sifting through E-Mail chains to find previous incidents or reprioritize present issues,” stated Jonathan Hodson, AI HUB Product Owner. “We understand the demands of wind farm operators at every level – from the site to the boardroom – and have created AI Hub to centralize all data and streamline wind O&M for optimal efficiency.”
Won Shin, Global Vice President of Products at Onyx Insight, adding that while wind farm owners and operators are responding to the challenge of net zero excellently, their ambitious digitisation goals have been impeded by software solutions designed for a smaller, less dynamic industry.
“As wind scales up, so does the ambition of industry players,” Mr Shin explained. “We established AI HUB to meet that goal and provide operators with the knowledge they want to increase asset profitability.”
The AI HUB now includes four additional modules for integrating data from various wind assets, which are as follows:
- Using advanced analytics and online sensor technologies, you may discover early warning signals of imminent pitch bearing issues.
- Drone-agnostic blade analytic software for fleet-level blade fault analysis and maintenance management.
- More efficient procedures to centralize all analytics for improved cooperation and communication.
- Machine Learning-powered SCADA analytics identifies areas causing the biggest energy loss and reliability difficulties.