Certain neutrino/matter collisions result in a phenomenon called resonance, which is typified by unusually regular particle scattering after neutrino impact. It’s postulated that this resonance could explain why neutrinos have mass and, therefore, how to exploit this mass better to produce energy.
The Neutrino Energy Group, a partnership of scientists from Germany, the United States, India, Russia and other countries, represents the bleeding edge of alternative energy science. The scientific world mocked on pioneer Holger Thorsten Schubart’s assertions that neutrinos might be used for electricity a few years ago. Holger and his team, on the other hand, never stopped working hard at creating the first generation of neutrino-powered electric automobiles and neutrino energy plants, proving skeptics wrong.
Photovoltaics Have a Natural Evolution into Neutrinovoltaics.
Every day, 60 billion neutrinos are estimated to travel through every square centimeter of the Earth’s surface. Scientists have recognized for some time that neutrinos do not transport energy. However, when it was discovered in 2015 that neutrinos have mass, it was established that they have the ability to generate energy. As a result, neutrinovoltaics may be thought of as a logical progression of solar power.
Humanity has finally found a solid answer to the present energy dilemma in neutrino energy. Neutrinovoltaic devices still have a long way to go before they can be widely used, but, like photovoltaic cells, this new technology will be regarded as a viable answer to the world’s energy demands in the future.

With Neutrinovoltaic technology, thermal energy may also be converted to electrical energy, and an electric field can be turned to a magnetic field utilizing transductional materials. The following are just a few of the many uses for meta or matrix materials in devices:
Thermoelectric domains (thermoelectrics) are utilized for energy harvesting, thermal control, and refrigeration.
These materials are used in a variety of applications, including micromotors, tunable radio frequency (RF) and microwave components, sensors, antennas, actuators, multiferroics (magnetic/electric domains), and phase transition materials (various domains).
For some applications, there has been significant progress in transductional material performance, but this has not always translated into new devices and capabilities. By bringing together a range of modeling, design, and manufacturing communities to solve applications that span both the material and device domains, NEUTRINO ENERGY GROUP scientists throughout the world aspire to extend materials achievements to the device and system level. Multiscale, multimodal design and engineering tool development can help expedite the implementation of Neutrinovoltaic technology.
The Neutrinovoltaic program is expected to develop new transduction capabilities that will outperform current state-of-the-art technologies in terms of performance, noise, size, weight, and power.
A historic Memorandum of Cooperation ushers in a new era in international neutrino energy research.
The Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET) in Pune, India, has announced a deeper collaboration with Berlin, Germany’s Neutrino Energy Group in commemoration of its 25th anniversary. The two organizations will collaborate to develop new neutrinovoltaic technologies and begin laying the groundwork for mass-production of neutrino energy devices under the terms of the Memorandum of Cooperation. C-MET Pune, which has established itself as one of the world’s leading institutes for breakthrough nanomaterial research, is a great fit for neutrinovoltaic technologies, which are based on graphene, a simple, plentiful, but difficult nanostructure.
C-skilled MET’s human resources will be trained through an active collaboration strategy.
The Neutrino Energy Group plans to draw on the engineering knowledge of C-MET Pune while also teaching the first generation of neutrinovoltaic technicians. C-MET Pune’s experience in a variety of domains, such as 2D materials and quantum dots, will be invaluable in creating efficient, powerful, and mass-producible neutrino energy systems.
Dr. Holger Thorsten Schubart, Dr. Bharat Kale, and Dr. Vijar Bhatkar unanimously agreed to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) at the end of the meeting, with Dr. Schubart representing the Neutrino Energy Group’s international research team and Dr. Kale and Dr. Bhaktar representing C-MET Pune.
It’s possible that the actual impact of this event will not be recognized for a long time. Future historians, on the other hand, will remember 2022 as the year when both Germany and India made significant progress in the field of sustainable energy engineering.